Anchoring at both bow and stern: Bad idea Sometimes I'll see a boat with two anchors out – one from the bow and one from the stern. This is (usually) a Bad Idea. Here's why. Read more about Anchoring at both bow and stern: Bad ideaMatthew's blogAdd new comment
Hibernation February's a bit of a rough time for a Canadian boater. Everything's hibernating – trees, bears, boats, even the lake itself. Read more about HibernationMatthew's blogAdd new comment
Small and simple with a Hobie Wave With Sunset Chaser still out of commission awaiting the arrival of the correct driveshaft, we are effectively boat-free for a few more weeks to come. Read more about Small and simple with a Hobie WaveMatthew's blogAdd new comment
Is there an alternative to flexible impeller pumps? Almost all marine engines use a flexible impeller pump for the raw cooling water system. I have a question: Why? Read more about Is there an alternative to flexible impeller pumps?Matthew's blog3 commentsAdd new comment
Mismatched driveshafts A repair job is never allowed to go by the book. There always - always - has to be some weird, poorly documented catch that sets the whole thing back. Read more about Mismatched driveshaftsMatthew's blogAdd new comment
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