Of Booze And Boats I've seen an awful lot of ridiculous, idiotic, dangerous things out on the water. A remarkably large number of them seem to involve booze. Read more about Of Booze And BoatsMatthew's blogAdd new comment
Introducing a Dog to a Boat An impressionable, eager-to-please puppy is one thing.... but how do you train a skittish older dog, of a notoriously stubborn breed, to be comfortable around boats? Katy's been working on that, and here are her (successful) findings. Read more about Introducing a Dog to a BoatKaty's blog1 commentAdd new comment
The fun, friendly Topper Topaz We can finally get out sailing on Lake Ontario, and there's a sweet new boat in which to do it.... Read more about The fun, friendly Topper TopazMatthew's blogAdd new comment
A daring broken-ice rescue Sometimes, despite taking all reasonable precautions, a boater gets in trouble and must rely on rescue services. Other times – like yesterday – you find folks who are just asking for trouble. Read more about A daring broken-ice rescueMatthew's blogAdd new comment
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