administrator's blog

Server outage and spam

We were offline for a few hours today. The site was being heavily hammered by spammers of various types, causing the load on the server to skyrocket, and our hosting provider temporarily suspended service in self-defence.

Most of the site is up and running again. Comments and the built-in search tool are, unfortunately, unavailable for the time being until we find a better way to block the spammers.

A clean new website

We're more-or-less done updating and fixing up the M.B. Marsh Design website. The big things are done: We're now running on a modern Drupal 7 core, and we're excited about the new, fully responsive, mobile-friendly HTML5 visual theme. (For those who care, it's based on Pixture Reloaded by Jeff Burnz.)

There may be some lingering glitches, and we have a lot of small, gradual changes to roll out in the coming months. Bug reports are welcome (just leave a comment below).

The site's a mess (but not for long)

We're in the process of updating our Web presence here at M.B. Marsh Design.

The upgrades to the Drupal core (v6 -> v7) are more-or-less complete. We are, however, finding all sorts of quirks in the D7 versions of our old D6 themes.

A new, responsive HTML5 theme is on the way. In the meantime, I hope you don't mind the visual oddities of the (temporary) CSS hacks we're using to keep the site looking more-or-less normal for the next few days.



Repairing missing background images in Drupal 6

If you're wondering why the appearance of this site has changed 27 times since yesterday, well, we've been doing some troubleshooting.

I'm still not quite sure how it started, but the custom theme files that give this site its appearance somehow got corrupted last night. This resulted in the site displaying with no background images at times (so everything showed up on white), and no CSS at other times (so it looked like browsing in Mosaic, circa 1994).

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