
Is the resolution war over?

It seems the megapixel wars may be drawing to a close, at least in the upper strata of the market. With the exception of the 36 MP Nikon D800, the digital SLR market has more or less settled in the 16 to 22 MP range- and this number is no longer prominently featured on every flyer. This is good; it's a sign that the digital market is maturing and moving away from the ill-advised marketing metrics of its early years.

Canoeing on a dead-calm lake at sunrise

Canoes are simply amazing little boats. They have no systems, no motors, no sails, none of the usual trappings of maritime life. The boat is really nothing more than a hull, a thwart or two, and a place to sit.

And yet this simple boat is a veritable magic carpet, taking you to an unfathomable number of secret, hidden places where no other vessel can travel.


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