Boating & Cruising

Photos, ramblings and the occasional bit of useful information from our voyages aboard the runabout Sunset Chaser and other small boats.

Be careful of boats' claimed top speeds

A while ago, I saw an ad for a small sport boat with the tagline: "The speed, up to 60 mph*, is simply incredible!"

Then, later, in the fine print: "*Achieved with a professional driver on a closed course using a specially tuned engine and custom propeller. Do not attempt."

Advertised speed capabilities are useful in understanding how a boat might behave, but they don't mean what you probably think they mean- even if the vendor isn't fudging them.

Understanding VHF-DSC Radio

Most marine radios (except handhelds) sold in the last decade or so have digital selective calling (DSC) capability. If you're thinking of upgrading an older radio, here's the very short version of what you need to know about DSC.

Red lights for night

Red night lighting is among the few electrical components that I put in the "very important" category for even the cheapest of cruising boats. Why red, and why is it so critical?

Boat show season is back

Boat show season is back. For those of us in south/central Canada, Toronto's show from Jan. 12-20 is once again the place to kick off the season. Among the notable features this year, the seminar series includes:
