Boating & Cruising

Photos, ramblings and the occasional bit of useful information from our voyages aboard the runabout Sunset Chaser and other small boats.

Weekend Warrior Cruising

A lot has changed in life over the last several years. Getting out on the boat became a fair bit harder with the addition of one child, and then a second. Then there's owning a country property that was too small to start, so we added one addition...then a second. Both of which are nearly complete.

Of Booze And Boats

I've seen an awful lot of ridiculous, idiotic, dangerous things out on the water. A remarkably large number of them seem to involve booze.


Introducing a Dog to a Boat

An impressionable, eager-to-please puppy is one thing.... but how do you train a skittish older dog, of a notoriously stubborn breed, to be comfortable around boats? Katy's been working on that, and here are her (successful) findings.
